Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Happy 16th Birthday Dan

Today is my eldest son's 16th birthday. I don't know where the years have gone.

We popped into town in the morning so that he could pre-order a Samsung S4 mini, due to be released on Monday. He was thrilled to bits when the sales assistant went out the back and produced one for him to have there and then!

In the afternoon he played a game of footy with members of the family at the local Powerleague and then we went for a meal together later on.

The boys (Dan, M and their cousin ONL97) decided to sleep in the tent (2-man!!) and spend half an hour pitching it, virtually adult free, before settling in for the night. Dan gave up after about an hour as he was too cramped but the other 2 stuck it our all night.

Happy Birthday Dan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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