Sal Rossa

A full, fun and chaotic morning with Nate's school. The entire school and all the families came on a trip to this pirate watchtower. A huge amount of coaches, but we all got there and walked the kids the long (30 mins) but safer way up to it. We got a guided tour around the tower and went up on it's roof. All of the school have been learning about the pirates that used to come here, and these defence towers, so they were already quite clued up! Everyone had to sit and sketch it afterwards. Lovely to meet a couple of new moms... The Paraguayan friend was there, and met a mom who's recently here with her 2 kids, come from Colombia. The weather was forecast to be cold and windy, so everyone layered up, but it ended up being sweltering!
This evening was the first meeting back up in Sa Penya, but through a series of miscommunications I didn't get up there, though ended up with a situation that needed attention, so maybe it worked out for the best... 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The school outing going well - a big logistical nightmare for the directora of the school.
2) Asha helping me with Messy Church prep.
3) Voicenotes with Sole throughout the day. 

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