Is there anything out there?

I was pleased to tick off a lot of jobs on the list today. Although it does puzzle me that the list never seems to get any shorter, no matter how many jobs I complete.
It was quite a windy day with blustery showers but sunny intervals in between. Bertie and I sneaked out between the showers in the middle of the afternoon and the sun shone on us quite a bit of the time but there was no warmth in it because of the cool north-westerly wind. In fact, just before I took this blip, there was a very short sharp hail shower while the sun was still shining! Bertie is looking for deer. There were two in these woods yesterday but no sign of them today. Later on our walk, the wind was roaring in the trees, no bird song at all, and Bertie was nearly blown off his feet. We made it home just as the next shower was starting.

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