Brecwast, ayyb

Brecwast, ayyb ~ Breakfast, etc

“The musician said he read scores over breakfast, then composed music in the morning, thought about music during a walk, practised the violin in the afternoon, played a concert in the evening; met with musician friends to play together then went to bed dreaming of the violin. Asked if this seemed a narrow life, the violinist said, “Yes, initially my life was becoming narrower and narrower in focus, but then an extraordinary thing happened. It is as though my music passed through the tiny hole in an hour glass and it has become broader and broader. Now my music is making connections with every aspect of life””
― Bill Jay, (Bill Jay, 'Occam's Razor', Nazraeli Press, 1994, 978-3923922130, Quoted by David Gibson, 'The Street Photographer's Manual', Thames & Hudson, 2014, 978-0-500-29130-6)

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Aethon ni i’r pentref i gael brecwast ac yn gwneud tipyn bach o siopa.  Am frecwast aethon ni i ‘La Cucina da Mara’ a ches i Bitsa. Roedd hi’n dda iawn fel arfer. Rydw i’n hoffi ‘La Cucina da Mara’, mae’r bwyd yn dda iawn ac mae’r staff yn gyfeillgar.

Yna roedden ni ymweld â’r bob siop elusen. Maen nhw’n ddiddorol bob tro. Dych chi erioed yn gwybod beth ddych chi’n mynd i ffeindio yna.

Yn y prynhawn treuliais i awr yn torri ffyn ar gyfer tanio'r flwyddyn nesaf.

Yfory rydyn ni’n mynd i Drala Jong am wythnos. Rydw i’n edrych ymlaen at weithio ar y tir (fel fy mam a oedd aelod o Gorfflu Pren Byddin y Tir Merched).

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We went to the village to have breakfast and did a bit of shopping. For breakfast we went to 'La Cucina da Mara' and I had pitsa. It was very good as usual. I like 'La Cucina da Mara', the food is very good and the staff are friendly. 

Then we visited all the charity shops. They are always interesting. You never know what you're going to find there. 

In the afternoon I spent an hour cutting sticks for next year's kindling. 

Tomorrow we are going to Drala Jong for a week. I'm looking forward to working on the land (like my mother who was a member of the Women's Land Army Wood Corps).

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Tiwlip mewn twb, pentref yr Eglwys Newydd.
Description (English): Tulip in a tub, Whitchurch village.

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