Good riddance to bad rubbish

This weekend is Keep Oban Beautiful's annual Spring Clean. We've been holding this since about 2017 and in the earlier days we could get 300 people out collecting rubbish. It faded away a bit during Covid days, but seems to be doing OK again. People come to a central point, sometimes the Corran Halls, the Rockfield Centre or as today, a gazebo in Tesco's car park, to collect litter pickers, gloves and rubbish bags and set off to clear their chosen patch. Our main organiser is Claire, seen in the centre with her clipboard.

I joined with three others to pick litter in a small piece of woodland next to the Black Lynn burn, and amazingly we collected 10 bags of rubbish, much of which, apart from the usual cans and bottles, appeared to be chunks of polystyrene from the council depot next door!

I walked home, litter-picking on the way, and collected about a third of a bag - not too bad. Unfortunately my hip didn't like the exercise, so that's all I'm doing today. Maybe a quick visit the other way tomorrow. 

Quote of the Day: “The scale of the mess we leave behind is proportionate to the level of respect we have for others.” ― Stewart Stafford

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