… I always think of the popular blackcurrant drink when I see these flowers. (Though haven’t had any of that for years).
I suppose there must be a connection? It smells fruity.
It’s another quite lazy blip, I didn’t walk far to get it. (It’s chilly today).
This is a busy time of year for (March) birthdays in the ‘Mundi’ household.
So, wishing Happy Birthday to all birthday people!
There are two today in my world; one who might be aware of this and one who definitely won’t. One is family (sending massive love, may your day be special in every way!). And the other one is the Mum of my best friend, who passed away in the late 1990s… I always have that slightly guilty feeling, for still being here while her Daughter, so precious to us both, is not. She, the Mum, has been in my life forever. So, the 23rd March is a pretty special day one way or another.
I mentioned yesterday that snow was forecast (I think I did? It was anyway). And we did have a little flurry. Not enough to really call it snow, but it’s cold.
Happy Saturday one and all.
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