Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Fritillaries Are Coming…

… Always a favourite.

Sunshiny here today yet still bitterly cold.
Himself is Out There… Mending trellises and tidying up in a responsible adult gardeny way.
I am not that way inclined I’m afraid; things would go to rack and ruin not be tended nearly so well if it were up to me.

When I was out amongst the ribes yesterday I must have been bitten by little flies, as today my face looks like a cartoon of someone who has measles. (There are lots of midgy things about).
I am assuming I do not have a childhood illness (my appetite is way too healthy). I made cashew nut pesto yesterday and I find it ridiculously hard to resist.
(Though I’m surprised the flies weren’t off-put by the garlic fumes I must be exuding).

So. A new week begins…
Here we come Easter.
My Mother used to insist that we wore at least one new item of clothing for Easter Day. (It didn’t have to even show (!) though it was lovely if it did). Is that a real Thing I wonder? Or just a quirk of Mum?
It makes sense to me anyway; Easter is a time of renewal.
Starting afresh…

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