
By Marionb

Winter returns..

Woke up this morning to a winter wonderland and had to dig out the snow shovel that I had stashed away thinking was spring...I only had to clear off the porch and steps, as my snow removal fellow showed up to do the driveway...

After that, I went back to sit by the fire for a while, before spending the rest of the day with my new slide scanner!  I transferred all the old slides of a trip to England back in 1987 and am now ready to edit them so I can print them in a phonebook of the trip..They will need a lot of tweaking to make them printable but I have discovered that if they are too discoloured, perhaps black and white might work?..hmmm...

By the end of the day, the sun had done its magic on the snow and although there is still a lot left, areas of the garden are almost clear of it! 
And - note to Knottman2, I do believe my daffodils have survived! 

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