Just a reproduction

A full family gathering is a rare event for us, despite us being only four households and two generations. Busy lives, physical distance, health, other responsibilities: all get in the way. Mrs M's brother has both a big birthday and a move away from a much-loved home in the next few weeks, so all stops were pulled out and we gathered around their huge table - a table that is as much a part of the house as the stones and slates, and will probably be left with it

Beekeeping is often described as a 'craft', but I think that is more in the sense of 'witchcraft' than 'handicraft'. I am in awe of people who can use their hands to create beautiful things - this includes Mrs M and both our children. My sister-in-law is multi-talented, with clay, brushes & easel, wood, textile and more. And now I find that her sister is equally adept: commissioned to create a model of the table around which we sat, this is what she came up with. Clever enough, but more so when you realise that what you are looking at is a chocolate birthday cake

Many happy returns

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