Just Deserts
If you put your Sunday night beer in the freezer for a little too long - and particularly if, like this one, it is only very moderate alcohol content - then yes, it can freeze. Alcohol reduces the freezing point, so it needs to be at least a couple of degrees below zero, which I seem to have achieved. Luckily it was still pourable, with a bit of hard shaking at the end. Real ale connoisseurs would be appalled. Since we were watching the final episode of the absurdly contrived Agatha Christie, 'Towatds Zero', it was a fitting accompaniment
Arthur Miller's 'Crucible' - in a different league - includes a line by John Proctor, protesting his wife's cold rejection after his repentance of his infidelity with a young girl: 'Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer'. He didn't really change her mind
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