
Lincoln had some pocket money so he came to aldi this morning with me and the jedi. He bought some playdoh. Of course when we came home Harp wanted to buy some too. So off we trotted back. They have spent most of today playing with it with some garden play in between.  

Xander was sick last night at bedtime.  Thank goodness he's at the age where he makes it to a bucket and the bathroom.  He's been better today but things have stressed him out. Him and Harp both slept in with me last night until I got up to sleep on the sofa. 

Mr R has perked his back so he's walking like a old man. He went into work for a few hour's too. 
Hopefully his back will feel better for our adventure tomorrow.  

Im feeling a tad grumpy. Especially with a certain wildling.  But hopefully a good sleep for everyone tonight will do us all a world of good. 

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