
I've been a bit busy today fettling my new laptop. It's interesting that after slimming down the MacBook Pro and removing card readers and HDMI sockets, they've bulked them up a little and put these back in. It looks a bit  like the first Macbook I had in 2015 but of course it's a bit more whizzy on the inside.

Although we've had four seasons today (no snow but it's been very chilly) there was little interest in the sky to photograph the forsythia so I used the big old cedar in next doors garden as a background.

With a red alert for aurora last night I went out to see what I could see. I froze my whatsits off but although it looked a bit green in the distance but didn't get anything I could truly say was aurora. There's a lot of activity tonight but with cloud and rain there's no need for me to leave the warmth.

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