
By Wildwood

The Suitors Have Arrived

This tom was struttin' his stuff at the top of the driveway next door. The light was wrong so they're not the best pictures. I sat for a long time wondering how long he would stand majestically revolving in circles, breast puffed out, tail feathers raised. At first I couldn't see the hen (we've decided to call her LuLu) but then realized that she was just behind some bottle brush bushes next to our stairs...entertaining another tom! 

More rain was predicted for today but so far it has held off. The sun is shining but a sharp cold wind is blowing, driving me under the duvet again. I feel a little like an infant that can't sort out the difference between night and day. I'm awake at all hours of the night and walking around like a zombie during the day until I break down and crawl under the duvet for a little nap. 

We gave Spike a bath this morning and now he looks like he came by his name honestly. I've whacked and trimmed him on the run, but the bits that didn't get trimmed are sticking out like, well, spikes. I suspect I look a little like that myself what with my self performed Covid haircut. My hairdresser should be back today, so I hope I can get an appointment next week before I am forced to cut off more on my own. 

A newspaper article this morning said that so many insurance companies have pulled out of the California market that the high risk California Fair Plan, which is what we have had since our insurance company cancelled us last year is facing bankruptcy. Like the health care insurance  companies which have forced doctors to gather under the umbrellas of large corporations which run medicine like a business and not the more personalized care of the past, the insurance companies are putting profit over protection and leaving a lot of people unable to get insurance at any cost. I just got a not from our broker reminding us to be sure and pay our premiums on time or we would run the risk of being cancelled.

We talk of moving, but how could we give up Sunday supper with Jim and Dana?

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