Windblown Clouds

I was telling Dana and JIm last night that sometimes the simplest tasks just seem to defeat me. Yesterday, a call to the pharmacy to refill a prescription resulted in a 15 minute wait on hold after which I hung up. I tried again today and got Robert, the former owner of Tuttle's pharmacy now working at Rite Aid. He of course remembered me because that was always one of his many strong points. This is the first time I have seen him since he closed Tuttle's. I asked him how it was going and he said it was taking him longer than he wanted to get used to the new computer program, having used the old one virtually unchanged for the last 30 years. He did, however, solve my problem and I told dhim that if it weren't for him we probably wouldn't have switched to that particular pharmacy. 

My other leftover task was putting the cleats on my new Peloton shoes. Puttting the cleats  on was relatively easy, but figuring out how to loosen and tighten the shoes in order to get them on was less so. Finally figured that out with some assistance from John and was able to make sure the cleats were under the ball of my foot before tightening the bolts. Two tasks accomplished...result!

A lecture/pep talk from Kathy assured me that slow and steady was better than pushing ahead too agressively. I have a six week post op appointment with the great man (the surgeon) next week. Aside from a glimpse of him on the day of the surgery I haven't seen him since October.. He is basically a technician who has surrounded himself with competent assistants to free himself for doing as many surgeries as possible. This is the standard model in an insurance supported driven business.

Our lovely neighbor is back from travels hither and yon, and dropped off some goodies on our doorstep. She is like a wraith! But she does know how to bake, and we are fortunate to be recipients of her handiwork. I just wish I could catch her in the act in order to invite her in....

It's been a mostly sunny if still chilly day, but the clouds in the picture I took on the way to Kathy's early this morning are already beginning to show the effects of upper level winds blowing them into interesting shapes. The mustard in the vineyards is now finished and many of the vines are showing signs of budbreak with new leaves to follow quickly.


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