What a day weather wise…
#beautiful sunny start….we enjoyed a smoked salmon and scrambled egg breakfast (with local farm eggs…one of our hamper treats)
#after heavy discussions about what’s ahead and a few tears the Rev did lots of napping.
# then it was hot tub time while the sun was still out but the clouds were coming.
# we enjoyed a snacky lunch….and read whilst the clouds got darker!!
# then the hailstones!!!! It was so noisy in the room and it piled up by the door!!!!
#within an hour the sun was out again and we took a glass of wine to the tub!!!
We made a tasty Korean noodle dish together and watched the last of the drama Coma (very good). We did a bit more of our puzzle too (it’s rather tricky)
#final dip
#and pack up before heading home at 9:30pm…we had paid for an extra night but really wanted the extra day. It was definitely worth it. In our own bed by 11pm.

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