Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

We Had A Visitor…

… With a human parent.

I (still) miss our own dog (as one does). It’s lovely to have canine energy in the house, albeit briefly.
We dicker about having another. Sometimes I yearn for one. Sometimes I remember the tie that (inevitably) they are. And what tips the balance usually, is that losing them is so, so painful. (But, we do remember all the good stuff more, honestly!). I have whinged about this on blip before. Forgive me.

However, we had lunch with the lovely human visitor and are now in the hinterland of, ‘who needs tea anyway?’. We’re still full.

I had an afternoon of paperwork and am feeling virtuously up to date with a load of letters that have niggled on for too long.
And, have returned stuff that needed returning, which is always a good feeling.

So. What’s next then? :-)

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