Getting ready for Easter!

Some Easter decorations made from a kit I bought in John Lewis by a company called Talkingtables. 

All the info on the packet indicated they could be made by children…but no…
I have made many Pom poms in the past  just using bits of cardboard and wool. I thought this kit would be easy to use but…the cardboard was not that stiff , the perforations they said you could tear had to be cut and there was not enough wool to do six decorations only enough for four. Not impressed! I persevered and we did get them made but no way could the children make them completely by themselves. It’s actually a U.K. company but I see they have outsourced making the kits to China! I have sent comments to the company so will wait to see what they say.

A busy day with Pilates, coffee and a very tough spinning class. Then we collected the children from school and made decorations.

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