
By Hamp5on

Our flowers!

Today's main event has been a doctors appointment for Nate for a specialist referral. We had a bad few years with his last doctor, so swapped to the other medical centre... Wow what a difference! The doctor himself was calm and respectful, his walls covered in art which kept Nate distracted, and he had chilled music playing. It also helped that he didn't need to touch Nate at all... A positive experience!! We're now on a waiting list to see someone about Nate's eyes, he's put him down as a priority. Hoping it's not too long to wait.

Asha and I had to walk to Mercadona for gf bits... Saw these blipped flowers on the way. She calls them 'our' flowers as we picked a few each time we were allowed out for exercise during Covid, after 6 weeks of the kids not being allowed outside at all. I'll always think of that time when I see them.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate being brave, and for the many people who prayed for him today.
2) Asha coming with me to the shop.
3) Getting some prayer team prep done with Danny and Gemma. 

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