
By Beewriter

Great Manchester Cycle Race

It was the Great Manchester Cycle Race today. I went down to the Quays, just in time to see the end of an open water swim, then I walked up towards White City. The course wound its way from the Mancunion Way, past Old Trafford and then down to the Quays, there was a sharp u-turn and then they headed back towards the Mancunion Way again. I thought the u-turn would be a good spot as cyclists would come and go past me....and I also hoped there might be the odd toppler or two who could provide a good action shot.

There was a policeman stationed at the same spot and we had a good chat about cameras. He came up with some great ideas for different types of shots I could try. One involved me lying in the central reservation....the things I do for a good pic! He pointed out other photo opportunities about us and so I will have to go back a few times to get was bad enough choosing one pic from all the cycling shots I'd taken without doing other shots too. I had some great colourful ones but this one of the unicyclist caught my eye. I used to have a unicycle but I couldn't ride it very far...and certainly not for 26 miles!

There were unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, a cross trainer bike and bikes for disabled riders. It was great fun to watch and I took over two hundred pics. Only one cyclist fell....and I missed it! He wasn't hurt and jumped back on straight away. I didn't want an injury I only wanted an action shot. Apparently, it was on the Mancunion Way stretch of the race where all the falls occurred.

I only watched the 26 mile race, the riders did two laps of the course. The earlier 52 mile race involved four laps and the final race was one lap of 13 miles. I say only as it is still a fair distance. I've decided I would like to take part next year...some training needed first methinks! I walked back past the water sports centre where there was a wake boarder doing some stunts...I resisted the urge to take more pics though.

I went with Judy to the Trafford Centre for some material she wanted and we had a cuppa in John Lewis. I needed to be out and doing something as everything washes over me when I'm not busy, thank goodness for blip which makes me go out and take photos. I think I would have stayed in bed all day otherwise.

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