Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Didn't sleep very well, noisy, neighbours decided to have one of their arguments.

Wiiercise completed, tape doing its job.

Kirk and Magic in good spirits today and enjoyed time out in their run, even if I hadn't returned it to its full size, we are thinking bunny shed.

Had a hard day of an afternoon nap at my inlaws, drove home groomed the bunnies. Got sad because Jeeves and Wooster's sisters are still looking for a home, they are both fawn like Wooster. I can't believe they are still there :( (I want to adopt them)

It's 7.30 pm and I am in bed wondering if I can read any of my book (really enjoying if) or if I should just close my eyes.

So very tired, wondering if I am going to have to scale the wiiercise back :(

P.s yes this is an emergency blip

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