Solar powered garden light.

A present for my birthday in February.
I’ve only just put it outside in the middle border, ready for the lighter evenings and twilight. It looks as if it is sprinkling water when it begins to work.
This evening however, it began to rain again after tea,
The day began feeling really springlike with sunshine and 15C, then clouded over towards mid afternoon.
I’ve put the Trail camera out now for two nights, and was pleased to see that Harry the hedgehog is back after his winter sleep.
I’ll attach a link to a little video of him which I uploaded this morning after retrieving it from next to the summerhouse.
I’m a bit behind with blips but eventually do catch up a bit.
I love the variety of photos which you can peruse.

He is obviously having a problem with ubiquitous fleas!
I once picked one up off a pavement to deposit it undeneath some nearby overgrown hedge, and fleas just started to appear on my hands!

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