Paper White or Narcissus

We woke up to the tragic news of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge that was struck by a container ship. We drive on that bridge often when we travel north. Thankfully, there was a distress call that alerted police to close the route before more vehicles could get on the bridge. Our hearts go out to families still awaiting the fate of their loved ones. We rarely turn on the tv during the day but we were glued to it for updates. I washed a load of laundry and hubby went to church briefly to search for a few graves (with no success again). My sister and BIL stopped by to bring Easter gifts, a Serotina vine (much like honeysuckle) and two types of lettuce plants. Hubby received a treat, Moon pies. Both my son and sister need a new vehicle. It’s nice to have a nephew that manages a car dealership. Folks need a family discount these days. We have many different flowers in bloom at the moment. Today, I chose to share these delicate paper whites either you. You may get to see a few others this week. lol. We needed something pleasant like Spring treasures to take our mind off the tragedy, if only briefly. The repairman stopped by today and replaced two defective parts on our microwave. It sounds much better and the display works correctly again. I had just put our chef salads on the table when he knocked on the front door. My son texted me at 5:38 pm yesterday to see if we were coming to Parker’s first school lacrosse game. So glad he did; I was asleep. We scurried to school. Parker’s team won 15-1. We checked on Shadow on the way home. She was happy to see us. I got to some of your journals but not all. Will see what I can do later. Tonight, I believe we are free. Hope your evening is calm. Be safe. Thanks for stopping by. “When you smell a spring flower, it's as if the soul of that flower settles inside you! And then you become that flower for a short time!” ~ Mehmet Murat ildan

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