Quite a day

Morning spent making a special picnic, and other bits and bobs. Picked up my friends who live in Orkney, M and F, in the city centre, and off we went to the memorial woodlands about 1/2 an hour north of Bristol. F’s son, who was a good friend of my son L, died when he was 21. They couldn’t bear living in Bristol anymore and moved to Orkney, where they had connections. This is their first time back in 9 years. We found the stone - just marked by his signature, and the tree, which had been planted on their behalf.  We were so pleased to discover it was a rowan, as the woodland place had said it might not be possible.  The tree looks so healthy, and a lovely shape. I’ve put a close up of it just about to burst into flower. We each planted some daffodil and snowdrop bulbs. It was sunny while we did this.  Then there was a crack of thunder, and the heavens opened, so we had our picnic in the car. Back in Bristol, it continued to rain and rain. We had an early tea at a vegetarian/vegan Chinese restaurant.  Then to St George’s Brandon Hill, for a concert of minimalist music - which I found beautiful, mesmerising.  First Spiegel im Spiegel - Arvo Part, then Max Richter’s On the nature of Daylight - which he wrote in protest at the Iraq war. Then Gorecki’s 3rd Symphony’Of Sorrowful Songs’ . Which has few chords, and a repeated melody, and a soprano voice soaring above. Wonderful. That’s my main blip - and she - Emma Tring - was  truly fantastic. 

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