Jambo journal

By IainC

Squashed In

I sowed a few packs of old (and some collected) seeds a little while ago and am amazed how many have germinated. This lot are two separate lots of butternut squash which to be honest have little chance of producing anything edible in this climate (no greenhouse, no poly tunnel) but I’ll give some of them a chance once they’re sturdier and leave the rest at the allotment’s sharing station. The kale seedlings have bolted though, so sadly I may have to write them off but they grow so well I can plant seeds directly in a veggie bed once the ground warms up.
Tenpin tonight, trying out a changed technique (I’ve altered my pivot!) in competition and it started out fine before I began missing spares with annoying regularity. But I won some points in a singles match which hasn’t happened often this season so I’ll stick with it and hope for steady improvement. Was asked to guest afterwards in a team match as they were a player short but the missed spares just kept racking up! They won though, so that was fine.

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