
By Grammy

Stately Tulips

It has been cold, damp and rainy all day. I had several jobs inside. Hubby picked up meds, got an estimate for minor damage on his truck and bought a few groceries. The estimate is outrageous so the scratch will remain. I went outside in the rain only long enough to take a few pictures. These tulips are in “Mary’s” garden. They will open tomorrow if the sun shines but I like this closed look as well. The dessert auction was a success; we won two small coconut cakes and a small pecan pie. We now have Easter dessert and the fire department had a successful fundraiser. Hubby will pick them up and visit my mother since they are in the same town. I made chicken salad for lunch. Our DIL sent over dinner plates; one less job to do. We are attending 7:00 pm Mass and “standing watch” at the garden of repose in our parish center after Mass. We try to participate in all Triduum services leading up to Easter. May you feel blessed during these holiest of days. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “Amidst life’s chaos, find your happiness in the simple elegance of tulips.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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