
After a couple of rather stressful days it's good to be home.  These three vases, collected from pottery a couple of days ago, are giving me much pleasure.  All three are glaze combinations I had not tried before and they've all come out really well :-)

We had slept OK in Telford and were almost ready to set off when the hotel fire alarm went off.  Found out later it was someone making toast in their room - Grr!   Timmy cat had to be hurriedly scooped up, scared by the noise he promptly wee-ed on Ruth so we were further delayed while Ruth changed and sorted herself and Timmy out again.   Needless to say the roads were busy today and we were quite 'delighted' when the last twelve miles were in a huge queue following a driver who rarely got above 30mph, at least 20mph slower than safe speeds for the road!

Having unpacked and taken Meg for a short walk there was no time for a rest before I had to set off to work.  A four hour evening shift for the Stations at Stations Good Friday train.  By the time they arrived at Abergynolwyn, everyone was ravenous so we did a roaring trade ... and were late finishing as there was a lot of clearing up to do.   Not satisfied that the day had been busy enough (!) I went with Ruth to Kings Cafe at 930pm where some plans were being exhibited for future developments on the railway ... and there was a members bar :-)

We should sleep well tonight!

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