Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Yoga Cat

Firstly, apologies I forgot to add the National Galleries quiz yesterday so it's at the foot of today's entry, good luck, I scored 8.
I was feeling a bit under the weather this morning, but managed to force myself to have some lunch. We headed over to Morningside a little later, firstly to drop off a birthday card and then to have a wander round the charity shops there . Picked up a couple more jigsaws for Josie which I'll hang on to for a couple of weeks.
I spent the afternoon checking I had all I needed for tomorrow's Easter lunch, Jon is working, sadly but the other 7 plus Colin's cousin will be here. I think I over bought the lamb, but never mind an excuse to mince the leftovers for a proper shepherd's pie.
I still wasn't feeling 100% at dinner time so popped out to drop something off at Katy's then went to Waitrose. I spotted some half price salmon on the fish counter and couldn't resist and it felt like a nice gentle dinner. It was, delicious and I'm feeling much better.
Now the clocks are all advanced, or those that matter at any rate I hope. The car clocks are always another matter and I invariably resort to the manual.
I suddenly realised as I headed for my early night that there was no picture for today. Fortunately Cleo was doing her exercises in the corner and passed for me. She looks like she's wondering where on earth that leg came from!
Happy Easter to those who celebrate. I'll be in church most of the morning, it'll be nice to see some flowers there after the plainness of Lent .... And to sing and say the A* word too.

*There are no Alleluias in Lent

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