Roll With It

By Falmike

Almost Gone

Easter looms large, our local Tescos has run out of Easter Eggs, the Old Dunstonians arrive in Falmouth for their annual Easter Tour tomorrow and kick off with their opening match against Penryn tomorrow night and a row out with Epic.
News that my little Polo is ready to collect arrived after Mrs S and I had made plans for today so it will be a Tuesday pick up.
Nothing new at the rugby club, but I did get around to actually repairing a couple of defects, looks promising for the next week or two.
Coffee and cake with the ‘Originals’ at Princess Pavilion, I made do with Victoria Sponge as the last piece of Hevva Cake went whilst I was queuing.
Talking of cake, when did the traditional Easter Simnel Cake, which is after all a fruit cake, become three times the price of the traditional fruit cake on the shelf next to it.

Looking forward to the Easter Weekend, some chocolate, some rugby, some rowing and hopefully some time with Mrs S.

Today’s photo, the CWGC WWII plot in the Lower Cemetery, Falmouth.

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