Tussock The Vigilant (no e .....OK?)

Dull Flat and Orrible lighting but this was at the end of our walk today so I didn't really mind.
This was a change your mind walk as once we all arrived at the starting place and found how bad the wind was blowing it was universal that we headed to a sheltered track instead. If this wind keeps up the ski fields will not be pleased and tomoro the temperature on The Boss's phone is almost summer.
Anyway here I am at the lake outlook contemplating the horizon where the view is rapidly disappearing as the rain started.

Thanks to all for yesterdays "Morning in the snow" support. The wind and milder temperatures will not be treating this view kindly and a planned return to this area is now on hold.

Incident Report.

The B's were up in The Bossess's office when I had a fit of growling and the odd bark.
The Bossess came down to find me pointing outside so out she went and I checked out the area for smells etc BUT The Bossess who has 20 / 20 hearing unlike The Boss, who never hears anything The Bossess says if it requires him to do something, heard the sound of running water sorta.
Such noises are not investigable by Bossess's (article 45 of the Bossess's act) so The Boss got his Maglite torch (he is very pleased with this toy) and looked for the sound.
I would have thought you listened for a sound but The Boss had his Mag thingie and was determined to light the way so looking was probably a better option and The Bossess had sorta pointed out the general direction. In true style she had returned to her office and missed all this. Typical!
ANYWAY...Er...Oh yes. There, behind the BBQ thingie was the connection thingie for the irrigation system (summer use only) and it was spraying water on to the garage wall.
Henceforth I shall be known as Tussock The Vigilant.....NO not vigilante...OK?
As I undoubtedly saved the entire area from a cat a stroff ic flood. Well a damp wall anyway, and I got to go to the plumbing shop at 8.00am while The Boss bought a new brass tap for the amazing price of.......
wait for it.......patience.......$12.45. No bag required. Thank you.

"Made in China", The Boss said.
" Do you have any tape" the nice man asked.
" Don't use it now", The Boss replied, "I have an iPod"
"Censored rude remark", the nice man replied and 15 minutes later the tap was on, The toby valve was open and The Boss was phoning acyclinggranny to announce we were coming walking after all.

It just gives you a nice warm wanted feeling...Don't cha think?

Paw note...Yes I did get a whole denta stick with grub. Sigh

Curls? If you like.

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