Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


These compact stately trees are the main focus of Autumn colour in this area. They turn progressive colours of yellow and gold and folk come from everywhere to capture the beauty that Poplars propagate. In Winter they are largely ignored except by K9 Photographers who know the "P" stands for Poplar and their branch structure and stature can look great in low winter light. So it was with this in mind that I barked at this lot. Of course they were also right outside The Boss's favourite watering hole at Edgewater, where in the warmer months you can sit outside, sip coffee and such, chomp on fresh scones and the waiters will bring drinks to dogs tied up at trees. Oh it sounds a bit like America where similar stuff happens to dogs and heaps of shops and restaurants have "watering holes" outside their premises with hitching rails and shade sails.
There is one downside to Poplars...They get old and can fall over. Bit like The Boss Eh? Opps.
Big trees

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