Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Calvari Steps - The Top!

6.45 am Monday 1st July 2013

Alarm goes off.

Hubby ... Why has the alarm gone off?

Sue ... I'm going to walk up the Calvari steps to see if I can get a photo from the top with no people in it.

Hubby ... Are you mad it's 6.45 am?

Sue ... Possibly.

Hubby ... OK, I'll come with you.

Problem:- When we got there and walked to the top, yes it's 365 very slippery and awkward steps to climb, the steps were in too much shadow as the sun was still rising.

Question 1, Do we stay and wait until the lighting might be better?
Question 2. Do we walk back down, find a coffee somewhere (the little shop at the top, of course, wasn't open as it's too damn early) and then climb the steps again?
Question 3. Sit and wait for better lighting?

Answer: No;3 ... we waited until 7.40 am for this shot.

Please say you like it!!!! (oh, and this one's for you tammiegirl!)

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