Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


The final event in this weekend's "Old Home Day" was the unveiling and dedication of a new veteran's memorial. Our town has had a memorial for many of years, but the previous structure was old and worn and a group of tireless town residents formed a committee to update it. The new memorial was completed and dedicated this weekend.

It is easy to forget how much we owe to our veterans. These are people who have put their lives on the line for us both today and in the past and so many made the ultimate sacrifice. I believe that the world would be a very different place had it not been for these brave souls. A heartfelt thanks to all existing veterans and my thoughts are with those who are currently serving. You are the ultimate heros.

Today's memorial was a very moving event and I wanted to post a blip that captured the event. I posted numerous shots from the ceremony here and chose this one because I like the simplicity. These are the clasped hands of our town's fire fighters who were there to honor the veterans.

This is one of those blips that I knew I wanted to capture. It took a bit of effort to get the perspective and DoF right and I am happy with the result. I also considered this one.

No Photoshop work here it is straight from the camera

Constructive criticism welcome

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