Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


Today we took one of our beloved little TMGs to a doctor's appointment for some tests and were thrilled that everything turned out perfectly. We had no doubt, but it is always nice to have medical confirmation.

On the way back to work, I took a quick blip detour to a park. The weather was sweltering hot and overcast with no sun. I would complain, but heck it is an improvement over cold and rainy! I was not feeling motivated to blip and was struggling and then ran across this little flower peeking throught the cracks of a picnic table. I was impressed by the persistence of this flower and how it had somehow managed to find one of the cracks in the table.

As I write this, I am still debating whether to go with color or B&W for this shot. I am currently thinking that B&W is better because it better highlights the fragility of the flower surround by the bench.

Update: I just swapped the original picture for a different one. The one on flickr is the old in color.

Channel mixer layer for B&W conversion with mask for flower

Constructive criticism always welcome

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