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Meanwhile back at base "we" have now misplaced the front door key with elephant keyring attached, that is normally in the front door. Arghhhh!!! We have hunted high & low, but to no avail. It's only a small elephant btw :-) I did find the lounge window key hiding in a ceramic pot on the dresser.
Mel, the cleaner, has certainly got the thumbs up with Mum. She was sat nattering while Mel was cleaning the kitchen diner when I returned with Indie so that is a great result. Bin day tomorrow. Recycleables are not all going in the correct bins. C'est la vie! Made Mum's lunch while continueing to look for keys. Steak pie, saute potatoes, cauli, carrots & sprouts. That got the thumbs up!!
Dare I mention the fact that we have'nt had any rain since a light drizzle early morning. Ha! ha! Ha!. My laundry is whizzing around on the line. Next job taking up the hems on Mum's new trousers, all three pairs. Soon be cider time. :-D
Thank you for visiting my blip, leaving comments, stars, & hearts. Apologies for not responding to all. Now I'm using the Panasonic for my daily snaps it means loading on my laptop rather than my phone which although simpler does not always give the same result, but means I take longer. I still intend to have a go at repairing my defunct Panasonic so if anyone can recommend tiny screwdrivers that would do the job I would be grateful.
Many thanks to ApolloFly/Nicoiseannie for hosting.
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