Double Shot Mummy


Crazy times

3 more sleeps until we board the plane for NZ! Maple can't wait to show off her cruising <3

So this morning started dreadfully early. Because of Maple's erratic sleeping patterns, she was up and rearing to go at about 5am. At the same time I heard dripping water and discovered water was leaking from the roof of the twins bathroom as well as the kitchen. Apparently the apartment above us was having problems. We haven't had continuous water for 30 hours by that time. The dishes were piled up and there were too many loads of washing (Antibiotic diarrhoea soiled babygrows )-: ) You would not believe how filthy our place was after just 30 hours of no water.

Anyway, Stu got up and got on the phone and sorted it out before he headed for Lebanon.

Later we had a dietician appointment for Oscar. It was found through a pinprick test that he is highly intolerant to wheat, gluten, cows milk, barley, corn, orange and almonds. He is mildly intolerant to hazelnuts and coconut. The nutritionist looked at his symptoms and said it sounds like gluten and that we should just focus on eliminating that. Hopefully we can repair his sensitive intestine through elimination.

It is the last day in Dubai for first Dubai friend and her family today. We will miss them a lot as their twins are the same age as Oscar and Bailee and we met each other online through trying to conceive our twins and our pregnancies! Lottie went out of her way to help us with information about Dubai before we came and with settling in. Her three children even lent Oscar and Bailee some toys while we were waiting for the shipping! I feel sad that they are leaving but happy for them. We are looking forward to when we can meet up again for their next holiday in Dubai.

So we are 80% packed and ready to go. We just need to pack the bits we are still using and sort out some warmer clothes for the plane onwards!

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