Double Shot Mummy


Fun day

2 more sleeps!

We went out to Arabian Ranches today to visit Chester and Fudge, the rare, posh, brown labradors and to pick up Ruth for the day.

The dogs were as cute as ever. Oscar and Bailee always enjoy running around their villa!

The balinese massage joint across the road had a friends promotion on so Ruth and I took up the opportunity while Regina babysat. It was very enjoyable :-) We even managed to enjoy lunch at Sophie's cafe next door (Maple came too and ate a biscuit).

Later that afternoon I introduced Ruth to our beach club. Oscar, Bailee, Ruth and I enjoyed the chilled water (Chilled to 28 degrees).

Simon came to collect Ruth. The twins love Simon. Ruth is fab with them and lot's of fun. Simon seems much more boring but they think he is the bee's knees! in the photo they are cuddled up before bed.

Oscar and Bailee have both gone to bed very calmly over the past two nights. Oscar has also miraculously slept in past Bailee for the first time ever.

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