"Why so?" you ask.
Well a local road has been closed.
"A minor iconvenience surely?" you say.
Not so, it has been closed for over two years. Why? An unexploded bomb? A major landslide? Nope, the road has been closed at the behest of a house builder so their lorries can trundle up and down unhindered. I'm sure they played the Health & Safety card before the spineless council.
So we now have a two and a half mile detour twice every day.
Not irked but vexed I tell you!
Another glass of wine and I shall fire off a corrosive email to the aforementioned lacking in backbone.
And while I am ranting the post office has mooted 300 millions in savings by only delivering second class mail every second week day, but first class will be every day. So a postie rocks up to your door on Friday and says there you go, but you can't have the second class one, you'll get it on Monday or Tuesday. I'll come back with it then. Where are the savings? A double drop? Wait a minute, a delivery every two working weekdays? There are five - does that mean every second week there will only be two second class deliveries? On the upside it means less trips to the bin with flyers from Domino and their ludicously priced pizza.
Now here is something radical - abolish the class system. Buy a stamp and just deliver the fekking mail. No need for seggregation, double handling. It is an absolute nonsense. They don't prioritise first class, they slow down second class.
Back in 1977 I had a Christmas job in the sorting office on North Bridge in Edinburgh. Great bags of mail would come in and we would sort it, firing the letters into pigeon holes by post code. None of us looked at the stamps and went "Oh Oh, second class, I'll put that aside until tomorrow".
When they make me King for a day expect some shake ups! Grrrrrrr!
Nurse! Nurse! The screens.
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