
By MarilynParker

A rehab walk

Had a nice walk with Terry this morning, in Sankey Valley Park, St Helens. Nothing too strenuous. The walking is good for recovery. He is more than 6 weeks post-op now and is doing a lot more. 
Our friends Margaret and Ian were in another, nearby, part  of the same park, across the main road from us and we saw their car parked up on the car park after we parked up. We didn't see them. They were busy doing my new adventure lab cache and bonus and they got FTF which I am pleased about.
There was a lot of wild garlic around today but not much of it had started to flower. We saw a man picking some of it.
I spotted the ladybirds on our crinodendron in the front garden, this afternoon, while i was doing a bit of garden tidying. 
It didn't rain till after tea today! Got the washing dried outside.
Extra photo from our walk.

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