a new year!

By Thesalh70

On Track or Off Track?.....

the 1st of July.....can you believe it? the end of one half year and the beginning of another....

a restless night sleep, combination of factors....warmth, strange dreams, restless Pete to name a few...

up at 4am, and i can sense the morning are a tad darker already! managed to re-sleep til 6.30am.

nice morning, and i'm up , breakfast and dreaming of a week today.....

off on a customer photoshoot this morning up to Worksop. nice drive up the M1 (kept within the speed limits!), and at customers by 10am. Great success story from them, and am pleased to be shown around their site and taking pictures for a story.

back to the office and on the way i pass a field full of red poppies....to dangerous to stop on the road and capture it.

into town at noon, lunch, and then back to the laptop.

busy afternoon...4 days left after today to cram everything in (have evenings working, and weekend if i need it)

called at mums on the way home. she's got connection issues with the 'pad', so i let her have my sim card and shes good to go.

home, walking Pete, and then home for a spanish meal (getting in the mood!!). afterwards, i download my pics from today.

monday down....4 to go....

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