a new year!

By Thesalh70

Mum bites an apple!

well well well....my one lie in opportunity of the week, and as predicted my body clock alarm goes off at 6.27am!.....on a SUNDAY!!!

contemplated a lie in but Pete's bladder wouldn't allow, so its up and a cuppa.

I embrace the early start and sorted out holiday cloths, and by 7.15am we are Watnall Wood bound...a lovely morning, nice and warm so better to get the walk out of the way early doors.

it's been a week since we last were at the wood, and i've missed it. didn't see a soul en route, and whilsts walking through the wood, the birdsong was echoing delightfully.

we headed home, and were back for 9.15am, and breakfast for us both. shower and then off out to take my monthly photos and then pick up mum for her first nottingham shopping trip this year!

into town and off to John Lewis to get mother an Ipad! she's about to become a 'silver surfer' as Pete would say....

sandwich from M&S, nightmare in the orange shop (but lets not go there!), and then called at hospital to see aunty who's much improved on last week.

home, cuppa, and setting mum up on the 'pad'...she's on it like a bonnet!! this is going to be great fun!

change and then off for family meal at the griffin with RB & co...sooooo going to miss them in Alcudia this year....

home, too much wine for a Sunday, but hey ho, it's family and it's summer!

off to bed, early start, 5 days to go.....

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