Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Not a new diet drink from the States, but a crystal that is made into an essence in exactly the same way that flowers are. The Vibrational Medicine course I studied teaches flower, gem and crystal essences. In fact, the most powerful healing takes place when flower essences and crystal essences are combined.

The Bach Flower Remedies work on our conscious issues - what we know we're feeling like anger, lack of confidence, uncertainty, apathy, depression etc. All other essences apart from Bach are known as higher vibrational remedies which dig deeper into the subconscious to get to the root cause of a problem.

Flower essences work very well on psychological states whereas crystals have a stronger reaction on the physical body since they are carbon based, like our bodies are. When someone comes to see me with a physical problem I see it as the soul's desperate attempt for an issue to be noticed and released. If something is not recognised by us as an emotional or spiritual imbalance, I believe it then shouts louder by manifesting in the body.

Sodalite essence works on the lymphatic system, balances the thyroid and stimulates the metabolism. It also balances the emotions to encourage spiritual growth, particularly releasing subconscious fears and guilt.

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