Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Capanula flower essence helps to promote frankness and honesty, so is particularly useful for people who skirt round the truth trying to protect everyone's feelings. We may think we know how someone will react to a situation but often that's based on how we would react ourselves. It's always good to give someone the truth lovingly so they can react in the way that's appropriate for them.

I'm spending this weekend with some of the people who studied flower and gem essences with me in London. A significant part of our course was group sharing, where everyone had the opportunity to talk about the emotions, patterns and essences that they were working with each time we met. This created a deep intimacy between our group so even though I've met them fewer times than my neighbours or the school gate parents, our honest communication and love runs very deep.

I can tell them anything and they'll still love me. They can tell me anything and I'll still love them. There's something very liberating about being your honest self and being loved for it. And I know that quite honestly this is not a brilliant photo but I don't mind. Ooh, and I'm off here first.

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