
By fennerpearson

Actual good times!

Today was very lovely for two reasons.

But first to set the scene; Hannah has a week's work at a record company in London and is staying with my folks. Milly has gone along for the ride. I'm travelling down today for work.

My mum had a meeting at the house so Milly spent the day with my dad. First they went to his art class - where Milly did the painting above - then they went ten pin bowling and then they had fish and chips for lunch. And what I really love is how much Milly enjoyed herself, spending the time with my dad.

In the late afternoon, I picked Milly up and went across to meet up with my lovely friends Keith and Angela, and their three daughters, the middle one of which is my goddaughter, E.

You won't be surprised to hear that I a bit hit and miss as a godfather. For example, this evening, I had with me her birthday present, from two weeks ago, and her first communion present from, erm, early last year.

The communion present - a bracelet made by @LydiaNiziblian - was a hit but it was the birthday present that was the real hit: a chocolate fountain.

Hannah arrived on the train down from London and we all sat in the garden of The Railway Bell, eating freshly baked pizza and enjoying one another's company. All in all, it was a perfect day.

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