
By fennerpearson


While finding a photo a day adds an enjoyable little something to my life, some days I have a small fret about just what exactly I'm going to photograph.

Other days, though, especially days When I'm Doing Something, I get a bit more relaxed about it. Days like today, when I was driving up to Glasgow. Obviously I would find something to photograph.

The problem was that I spent most of the day on the motorway, except for the four and a half hours when I was in a meeting. So, from my car, I saw loads of things to photograph but couldn't. All I managed, in fact, whilst in Glasgow, was this.

Heading home, there was a sign on the motorway warning of an accident on the M6 between junctions 37 and 36, so I turned off at 37 and cut home past Killington reservoir. And here it is.

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