Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A view of part of our Spring Garden.

The Feast Day of Saint Perpetuus. He was Bishop of Tours in the mid fifth century. He championed fasting on Fridays and Wednesday.

It is raining here in Rishton, Blackburn. The raised energetic vibration rain brings is such a blessing, so thank God for the beauty and splendid blessing rain is. Bless the water and be thankful for all the water because it is essential for so many usefulness. Remember the Sacrament of Baptism. Catholics have Holy Water as a helpful sacramental in their houses. It overcomes unwelcome spirits with evil intentions. You could research this more, if interested.
I have been to the Best One shop to buy our newspaper and waited behind an old man who was paying for his electricity.
The paths are not very safe around here and there are broken pavements and pot holes. Therefore I walk slowly and carefully. No one wants a broken limb!
I have recently learnt sugar is not good for people suffering high blood pressure. Too much salt is not good either. Sugar is a hidden ingredient in many fast foods, biscuits and cakes as we all know. Just saying.
I do not vote anymore because I put my faith in God and not a failing political strong hold.
It is so bad that poo is put in the water. Surely that needs to stop.
I pray so much for healing of the neighbourhood and the nations. The Lord is ever present.
Have a good week blip friends and stay calm if you can, safe and well.

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