For the family

By RonaMac

New territory

I collected Olive this morning and took her with Amber to kennels to spend the weekend. They headed off without a backwards glance on a new experience for Olive.

I headed home to get sorted out for a trip later today. We were planning to take the train, but they are on strike, so R has offered to drive us. She cancelled the 4 rail tickets, got a refund and organised some parking for the two nights. She drives to places for work, so is quite happy to do so. 

We set out after 5pm and the roads were remarkably quiet. A quick stop at Burger King on the way provided sustenance. The refreshments provided in the car for us two in the back were new to us. In extra

The blip is the quirky place that we are staying at. R booked it when we couldn’t get rooms at the Union Jack Club, our normal bolt hole when in London. 

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