
By ayearinthelife

Almost There

Picked the project bass up from R&T today, after they had restrung it with flatwounds and checked the action, intonation, etc. Playing it through the amp in the shop, it sounded pretty damn good.
Just the final tweaking to do now. I need to check the pots are secure and the wiring all neatly tucked in before screwing down the pickguard and fitting the snazzy new control knobs. Then I can plug it into my amp and set up the desired tone.
It’s been a pretty horrendous day weather wise - almost constant rain and temperatures more suited to January than April! Stuart had returned from his USA holiday, so it was good to see him again for our weekly coffee. He’s come up with a great little blues riff in E and has challenged me to write some lyrics for it. I’d done some a couple of weeks back that were going to be quite punk/thrash, but I reckon I can adapt them to be bluesy without too much rewriting.
Looks like tomorrow’s activities are sorted then.

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