Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

We still have tulips for sale, and fortunately customers that buys them.
Today’s been a ’moving plants around’ day. I got help from a coworker and we managed to move half a table with plants to another table - first moving plants off that table that were going to the first table - plant switch… Then we swept the table to get as much of the soil off and then warm water and soft soap to get rid of the last. Then we started moving plants back, stopping to get a smaller ’table’ ( made with bricks and a long wood piece) to place indoor plants on, and then we moved all our spices to the table, summer plants that we put a price on and I did the last on my own since my coworker had lunch.
I also did some running back and fort to the cashiers too, to handle customers.
So tired after I came home and haven’t done much this afternoon.
Friday tomorrow, so nice!

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