
By Barbarella

Market Day in Desanzano

Yet another really hot day today, at least 29 degrees.

Took the bus into Desanzano this morning for the market and we saw this house with a tree growing through it!

Huge market here, Desanzano is the largest town on the lake. Did manage to buy another four scarves, although light summery ones, a pair of shorts, a leather belt and another handbag so didn't do too badly. Oh and some lovely cherries (3.80 euros per kilo). Nothing for Michael though ?

Took the bus back at 1, went back to the hotel to unload our (well my) goodies and bought an ice cream from the gelateria. Then went down by the lake to eat it. Sat under a tree at the hotel for a couple of hours and then went to pack, boo hoo.

Just waiting to go into dinner. There is a coach load of Norwegians here and they all seem to want to eat together every day so it's a little busy!

Another concert tonight outside the hotel.

We are being picked up at 07.05 tomorrow morning with breakfast at 06.30. Great.

Our flight to Gatwick is at 10.10 and the one to Guernsey at 16.00.

Hopefully all will go smoothly this year!

Ciao for the last time this year from Italy ?

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