Mr B finally admitted this morning that his wrist (fallen on during a particularly dramatic exit from the boat on Saturday) was quite sore. The swelling, bruising and lack of movement convinced him that a trip to the hospital was not over the top. After the usual* lengthy process of registration and seeing the nurse, we saw the same doctor I saw last time, though he gave no indication of recognising me, and I felt it best not to mention it. Off then for an x-ray and back to the doctor who pronounced it sprained (actually he pronounced it an 'entorse' but happily I'd looked up some relevant words in advance so knew what he was on about. He gave us a prescription for a wrist support for Mr B to wear for a fortnight, but since it cost about 60 euro Mr B decided to improvise his own from an ankle support and a bit of wood.
Mainly a day in the garden planting, tidying and strimming and getting all the advice I could from my Mam on the plants I have. Later, risotto and a couple of fantastic episodes of Weeds - that season 2 finale is something else.
*Having been to that hospital only once before you might not think I'd feel like a regular, but given that the other time was with CarbBoy's suspected (and actual) broken wrist I feel I have relevant experience.
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